The Podcast

We are so excited to announce the Working Mother Experience Podcast.

Weekly, Morgan and Angela (your podcast hosts) will alternate between interviewing the contributing artists and investigating topics related to working and mothering.

We promise, it will lift your spirits, make you laugh and think, and, hopefully, connect you to your experience as a working mother and the experience of others.

Get interviewed.

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Be Part of The Art.

We plan to interview as many contributing artists as we possibly can over the next 2-3 years (or however long it takes). If you’re game to share a piece of your creative soul, you might also be game to talk about it with our growing fan-base (no, it’s not just our parents anymore). Come and share your artistic journey and help inspire other working mothers to do the same.


Share your expertise.

Don’t have a creative bone in your body, but would still like to be interviewed on the podcast? Perhaps you have some expertise you think our listeners could benefit from. Or perhaps, you have a juicy topic idea that you would like to debate with Angela and Morgan. Drop us a line and let us know what you’re thinking.